Cari Cuthbertsson
风格: 插画-纸本 12
负关键词: bad anatomy, bad hands, three hands, three legs, bad arms, missing legs, missing arms, poorly drawn face, bad face, fused face, cloned face, worst face, three crus, extra crus, fused crus, worst feet, three feet, fused feet, fused thigh, three thigh, fused thigh, extra thigh, worst thigh, missing fingers, extra fingers, ugly fingers, long fingers, horn, realistic photo, extra eyes, huge eyes, 2girl, amputation, disconnected limbs
艺术性: 81%
比例: 4:5
光线: 音乐会照明

AI图⽚⽣成插画-纸本-纸本 12create an illustration of a female with long blond设计流行趋势AI图片552495717282757由Cari Cuthbertsson生成 - 神采PromeAI AI图⽚⽣成插画-纸本-纸本 12create an illustration of a female with long blond设计流行趋势AI图片552495717282757由Cari Cuthbertsson生成 - 神采PromeAI

Cari Cuthbertsson
风格: 插画-纸本 12
负关键词: bad anatomy, bad hands, three hands, three legs, bad arms, missing legs, missing arms, poorly drawn face, bad face, fused face, cloned face, worst face, three crus, extra crus, fused crus, worst feet, three feet, fused feet, fused thigh, three thigh, fused thigh, extra thigh, worst thigh, missing fingers, extra fingers, ugly fingers, long fingers, horn, realistic photo, extra eyes, huge eyes, 2girl, amputation, disconnected limbs
艺术性: 81%
比例: 4:5
光线: 音乐会照明
